Clarkson University Policy on 服务的动物

服务性动物是指被训练来帮助残疾人进行正常生活活动的动物. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines service animals as "...任何一只狗 残疾人:为残疾人的利益而单独接受工作或执行任务的培训, including a physical, 感觉, 精神病学, intellectual or other mental disability."

This definition means that

  1. The dog is required because of a disability and
  2. 服务犬经过训练,可以从事与残疾有关的特定工作或任务

If a dog meets this definition, 它被认为是服务性动物,无论它是否获得了州或地方政府或动物培训计划的许可或认证. esball国际平台客户端遵守美国残疾人法,允许短期和长期的学生和员工使用服务性动物.

Types of 服务的狗s

导盲犬 一只经过精心训练的狗是否可以作为严重视力障碍人士、失明人士或弱视人士的旅行工具.
助听犬 is a dog that has been trained to alert a person with significant hearing loss, 或者谁是聋子, when a sound such as a knock on the door occurs.
服务的狗 狗是否受过训练以协助行动不便或健康受损的人. Types of duties the dog may perform include: carrying, 抓取, 打开一扇门, ringing doorbells, activating elevator buttons, steadying a person while walking, helping a person up after the person falls, 等. Service dogs are sometimes called Assist Dogs.
Seizure Response Dog is a dog trained to assist a person with a seizure disorder. How the dog serves the person depends on the person's needs. 狗可能会在癫痫发作时守护病人,或者狗可能会寻求帮助. A few dogs are capable of predicting a seizure and can warn the person in advance.

Responsibilities of the Handler/Partner

  1. 根据《esball国际app》, service animals must be harnessed, 栓着, 或系, 除非这些设备干扰了服务动物的工作或个人的残疾阻止使用这些设备. 在这种情况下, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, 信号, or other effective controls.
  2. 处理者对被批准的服务动物的行为负有经济责任. 这些行为包括身体伤害和/或财产损失,处理人员必须采取适当的预防措施来防止伤害和/或财产损失. 服务动物对学校财产造成的任何损坏或超出正常维护清洁的损坏将由处理人的学生账户承担.
  3. 在任何时候, 照料和维持健康和福利的费用是处理者的唯一责任. 服务性动物必须符合所有有关接种疫苗和适当许可证的当地条例.
  4. Out of courtesy to others, 训练员应尽可能确保服务性动物不接近或嗅探其他个体, 餐桌, or the personal belongings of others.
  5. 处理人员必须确保服务动物不会阻塞已识别的消防/紧急出口. 
  6. 训导员有责任确保服务性动物不会表现出干扰他人的行为或声音, unless said noise/behaviors are part of the needed disability service to the handler.
  7. Waste cleanup is the sole responsibility of the handler. If the handler is not physically capable of cleaning up after the service animal, 处理者必须雇用一个身体上有能力的人,并承担这样的雇用费用. 服务性动物废物清理应包括适当的废物清理设备和在适当的容器中妥善处理废物. An appropriate container is an outside receptacle (i.e. 垃圾桶).

Removal of Service Animal

Service animals may be removed from the University premises if:

  1. 服务性动物失控,而处理者没有采取有效措施加以控制. If improper animal behavior happens repeatedly, 训导员可能被禁止带动物进入任何学校设施,直到训导员能够证明他们已经采取了重大措施来减轻这种行为.
  2. The service animal is not housebroken.
  3. The service animal is a direct threat. 如果大学认为动物对个人的健康和安全构成重大和直接的威胁,可以指示训导员将动物移走. This may occur due to an extremely ill animal, or the presence of an animal in a sensitive area such as a medical facility, sterile environments, and research laboratories.

When there is a legitimate reason to ask that a service animal be removed, 大学工作人员将与残疾人士一起在没有动物在场的情况下获取商品或服务.
Provide evidence of current clean health certificates and vaccinations (required).
Provide evidence of current New York State dog license.

Long-Term versus Short-Term Use of 服务的动物

For purposes of this policy, 大学将学生或雇员(长期使用服务性动物)与访客区分开来.

Short-term visitors (1-7天)是, 当然, 在校园自由使用服务性动物,并可随时与无障碍服务办公室联系,提出任何问题或疑虑.

学生 using a service animal on campus should contact the Office of Accessibility Services 为他们的狗登记,并讨论任何适合残疾人士功能限制的安排.

教职员工 using a service animal on campus should contact the Office of 人力资源.

服务的动物 On Campus

服务性动物可以随其指导人员在宿舍和大学内自由活动. 基于健康和安全方面的限制,学校可以在某些地点限制服务性动物的使用. Restricted areas may include, but are not limited to, the following areas: custodial closets, 锅炉房, facility equipment rooms, research laboratories, classrooms with research/demonstration animals, areas where protective clothing is necessary, sterile environments, and areas outlined in state law as being inaccessible to animals.

Responsibilities of the Office of Accessibility Services

Notify appropriate personnel/campus offices of the animal and handler/partner.
Provide guidelines to the campus for appropriate interaction with the animal.

Requirements for Others in the Clarkson Community - Faculty, Staff, and 学生

  • 允许一只服务性动物在校园里随时随地陪伴着训导员/伴侣.
  • Do not pet a service animal; petting a service animal when the animal is working distracts the animal from required tasks.
  • Do not feed a service animal. The service animal may have specific dietary requirements. Unusual food or food at an unexpected time may cause the animal to become ill.
  • Do not deliberately startle a service animal.
  • 不要将伴侣/训导员与其服务动物分开或试图分开.


  • 除狗以外的任何动物(尽管在某些情况下有特殊规定允许微型马);
  • Animals that serve solely to provide a crime deterrent effect; and
  • Emotional support, comfort, or companionship animals.

Comfort animals are not covered by the ADA; they fall under the Fair 住房 Act (FHA) and the U.S. Department of 住房 and Urban Development regulations. 任何要求为情感支持动物提供住宿的学生必须通过无障碍服务办公室提交请求. All decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. Pets are not allowed in any campus buildings under Clarkson University policy.